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CandyPay: A Game-Changer for Business and Consumer Payments

CandyPay: A Game-Changer for Business and Consumer Payments

기사승인 2024. 10. 15. 14:06
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[Seoul, October 15, 2024] – The daily lunch rush in office districts can be chaotic, with long lines, multiple payment transactions, and frequent errors. As more customers split bills and try to meet their credit card spending goals, the challenge of handling multiple card payments in a single transaction grows. Picture a group of four coworkers at lunch: four separate credit card payments are already expected. If one person tries to split their payment across several cards for rewards, the process becomes even longer, causing delays and frustration for both customers and restaurant staff.

CandyPay, officially launched in August 2024, addresses these challenges by allowing multiple credit cards to be processed in a single transaction. It also introduces the world’s first credit card-based "Group Payment" feature, making it easier for groups to split the bill while still enjoying their credit card benefits.

The CandyPay app eliminates the need for physical payment terminals, making it an ideal solution for businesses like restaurants with high customer turnover. CandyPay also offers a QR code-based mobile kiosk system, which streamlines both ordering and payments, boosting operational efficiency.

Jaecheol Jung, the Director of CandyPay, explains: "Credit cards are one of the best ways to maximize financial benefits in Korea. By meeting simple conditions, customers can receive perks from their cards, and the government even offers tax deductions for card use. CandyPay was designed to help consumers easily access these benefits."

With its innovative features, CandyPay reduces daily stress for both office workers and business owners, improving payment efficiency and overall satisfaction. As it rolls out nationwide, CandyPay is set to transform how payments are handled during peak times.

About CandyPay: CandyPay is a groundbreaking payment service developed to streamline transactions for both consumers and businesses. With the world’s first multi-credit card payment technology, "Group Payment" feature, and mobile kiosk integration, CandyPay is designed to optimize payment experiences in high-traffic environments.

For more information, visit [https://www.candypay.co.kr/en] or contact [help@atones.co.kr]. 

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